Musings and random glimpses into current events and my life. What could be more interesting?

Friday, October 14

More Foot Talk

A photograph really can speak a thousand words. And many of the photographs that I have posted on this site have stimulated more conversation than I anticipated. This was the case with the image I featured yesterday of a fellow coffeehouse patron's shoeless feet on the table. Some readers were very vocal in their reactions.

Most interestingly, was a conversation that this sparked with a friend who had read the story. While discussing the picture, "Clark's" reaction was visceral. "I hate feet!" He told me. "I can't even look at them if they don't have socks on." I thought this interesting, though not completely odd. However, Clark went on to reveal, "Feet gross me out. If I have sex with someone, the socks have to stay on." My jaw dropped. "What?" I couldn't contain my puzzlement. "That's right, the socks have to stay on." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. As we delved into his neurosis, I found that Clark found it impossible to even have sex with someone without socks on. If a new bed partner even dared to begin to remove his socks, he was instructed to leave them on or leave the bedroom. I wondered to myself what I would think if I was the other person faced with this choice? Come to think of it, I think I would leave. Quickly. But I would take my socks off before I left. Just because.


Blogger Melinda said...

I also hate feet, though not as bad as your friend "Clark" but I cring when laying next to someone they feel the need to rub their feet on mine or on my leg. No bare foot footsies for me!

3:05 PM EDT

Blogger Melinda said...

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3:05 PM EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had a suitemate in college who was this bad. if i would walk around the suite without socks on, she would totally freak out and either yell at me to put something on my feet or practically run screaming from the room! me? i have no problems with feet. just don't want strange people touching them (and there are people out there like that!).

10:41 AM EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clark just hasn't had the right feet yet!

9:55 PM EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Clark" walks barefoot in public restrooms, just like Britney Spears

1:42 PM EDT


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