Musings and random glimpses into current events and my life. What could be more interesting?

Thursday, October 13

Pet Peeve #325 - Footloose and Fancy Free

This photo was snapped last night as I sat at Caribou Coffee sipping a double espresso and watching the Bear Knitting Bee. It exemplifies one my biggest pet peeves. What possesses people to take their shoes off in public places? Why must others be subjected to seeing your stockinged or even bare feet?

The offender in this picture was sitting on the sofa 2 feet away from me and had removed his shoes and placed proceeded to use the coffee table as an ottoman. File this under "People who feel WAY too at home in a coffee house."


Blogger Daniel Vickers said...

I'd like to think that it's the same person. But I doubt it. I think this is a pandemic.

10:09 PM EDT

Blogger Ross said...

Paulo loves you.


11:09 PM EDT

Blogger Wicketywack said...

No one, I mean, no one, should but subjected to viewing a man's feet. The rule should be, a man's feet should never be seen unless he's within 100 feet of a large body of water. Otherwise, going barefoot is basically like wearing a sign that says, "I'm a big douche-bag."

11:04 AM EDT


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