Musings and random glimpses into current events and my life. What could be more interesting?

Thursday, September 29


RAP IT UP-Who's screening your luggage? This article from MSNBC details the story of how Transportation Safety Officials in Houston uncovered the side-job of Bassam Khalaf, a baggage screener. It seems that Mr. Khalaf is also known as the rapper, Arab Assassin. His many works include songs like 'Terror Alert' that praise Osama Bin Laden, September 11th along with rape and mass murder. A sample of his lyrics:
“My name is Bassam, a one-man band, I came from sand, affiliated with the Taliban.”
Apparently TSA officials didn't take his moonlighting lightly. Read More>>

WE'VE ALL KNOWN THIS GIRL - Minnesota Court of Appeals sent a case back to trial in May, ruling that Jenell Casarez could indeed sue Amy and David Klema for injuries suffered as a guest in their home. According to the lawsuit, Casarez needed to use the bathroom, which was occupied by David, and so with Amy's acquiescence, went to the basement and attempted to relieve herself in a concrete laundry tub, but when she climbed on top, it tipped over and crushed her fingertips. According to the trial court, Alcohol was involved....big surprise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

'bout damn time you got back! i read your blog everyday looking for new and interesting things...

11:52 AM EDT


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