Musings and random glimpses into current events and my life. What could be more interesting?

Thursday, October 6

Black and White and Read All Over

Jay Rosen, media maven, Journalism professor at NYU, and blog-master has knighted the Washington Post as the "Our great national newspaper now." According to Rosen, steps taken by the Post in the last year have launched it ahead of the New York Times in scope and relevancy.

Agreed, the NYT has had some credibility issues recently with fraudulent stories and appearing as a lapdog of the Bush regime in the lead-up to the Iraq War. And it can be said that the Post is the leading place to turn when you need your fix of politics. But to me, the rest of the paper is just a bit boring. Have you seen the 'Style' Section? And I'm guessing that Mr. Rosen has never put down section A and turned to the 'Food' section. If he did, he would find reviews of Subway sandwich shops and recipes for spinach dip instead of the in-depth and interesting articles carried in the Times' Food section where dining out doesn't mean Chili's.

One other observation I would make is that the Post seems to have lost it's knack for playing government watchdog. Where are the hard-hitting stories taking on and calling out the obvious misteps and Machiavellian moves of our lawmakers. Where are Woodward and Bernstein?

And contrary to the inevitable comments that I am 'Hating on DC', I believe this is a fair comparison of the two publications.

Weigh in: What's your call? Best Paper- The Times? Or the Post?


Blogger Melinda said...

I would like to just throw out there, that the USA Today is actually the only national paper. The Post and the Times are hands down the best local papers to cover a lot of national news, but the USA Today is still the only true national paper.

3:10 PM EDT

Blogger Daniel Vickers said...

Bah! USA Today is McNews. Fluff. No one has ever accused USA Today of being hard hitting.

3:12 PM EDT

Blogger Melinda said...

I was not saying they were hard hitting, but in the journalism world they are considered the only true national newspaper.

10:45 AM EDT


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