Musings and random glimpses into current events and my life. What could be more interesting?

Thursday, October 13

Bear Necessities

Last night I found myself in the middle of a very strange setting. I had just finished happy hour drinks with a co-worker and decided to stop into Caribou coffee for a quick espresso and a few pages of the book I'm currently reading.

As I stirred my doppio and headed towards the back of the room to find a seat I looked up to see something I have never seen in my life. I had stumbled full-on into a knitting bee in the middle of Washington DC. What adds the really bizarre part to this image is that the large table was surrounded by 10 rather portly, older, hairy men. In other words....bears. Ten old bears sitting among piles of yarn balls of varying colors.

I took my seat and couldn't help but stair. It was one of the most comical things I have ever seen. Here were men in their 40's and 50's sitting, many with legs cross peering over their glasses, yarn draped in laps, with needles in hand knitting, gossiping and sharing techniques. "My socks aren't working out right. Look how fat the ankles are!" "Those are Cankles!" "Well, give them to me, cause mine are fat!" "I'll be putting the pattern for my sweater on the internet tomorrow"

And on it went. I think I'll be dropping back in to Caribou next week to see if I can resume my fly on the wall status. This time with a camera.


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