Musings and random glimpses into current events and my life. What could be more interesting?

Tuesday, October 11

Bras are for Breasts

Driving back from the beach this weekend, I passed several RV's with those big black 'bras' on the front that you see on so many recreational vehicles, as well as cars and trucks. Though I've seen them many times, it suddenly occurred to me how odd of an invention these seemed. I turned to DB, who was navigating through the obstacle course that is the road back to DC, and said 'What is it with these bras on cars? So the bugs smash on the material instead of the paint, but you still have smashed bugs on the front of your vehicle."

True to form, DB replied with a thought that took us further down this rabbit hole, "What is more bizarre is that they are even CALLED bras', he posited. 'I mean, they don't hold anything in.' Hmmmm...I thought about this for a moment. This was even more of a bizarre concept. When I thoroughly considered the issue, the two had nothing to do with each other whatsoever.

It's true that the 'bra' on a vehicle doesn't hold anything in. And it doesn't support anything. It actually has nothing in common with the clothing item that it is named after. To reverse this line of thought, the bra that is worn by women doesn't actually protect the breasts from anything. It isn't to keep bugs from flying into your tits. I can definitely report that I have never heard a woman say, 'Wow, I am moving so fast right now that bugs are smashing on my nipples.'

No, this is definitely one invention that has been completely mis-named.


Blogger Melinda said...

HAHAHAHA! Too funy! I have never said anything about my bra protecting my puppies, although I once had a bug get caught in my clevage!

3:35 PM EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, melinda, there in lies the connection. thanks for that enlightening over-share!

1:45 PM EST


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