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Tuesday, August 2

Extreme Makeover-Seat of Democracy Edition

Anyone who has lived in DC for any length of time has noticed the severe lack of style that the city exudes. It is amazing that a city of the size and importance of Washington can have be home to so many people with bad taste. Even our scandals can be ugly. Who remembers the Gary Condit/Chandra Levy scandal. Every single person involved in that scandal was completely unattractive. Perhaps being a well-educated city goes hand in hand with bad hair and bad fashion choices.

Nowhere else is this theory more evident than in the list of DC's 50 Most Beautiful People. The list contains more candidates for a 'Before' picture than I've seen anywhere else. With a few exceptions, this collection of movers and shakers and screaming for a makeover. Perhaps someone should write a desperate plea to Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

What's your opinion? Sound off on Washington DC's least attractive/least stylish figures.


Blogger Melinda said...

Ok, so I have never seen so much bad hair in one place in all my life! Where did they find these people homely r us! Wow, some of these people don't even have upper lips! Maybe 5 out of the 50 were after pics, but the others jeesh! Daniel, why didn't you make the list, you definately can take all the men on list!

4:11 PM EDT

Blogger Dan Banks said...

hmmm... numbers 1, 4 and 9 seem to me to be the same girl, so it's actually a list of 48. figures....

11:50 AM EDT


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