Musings and random glimpses into current events and my life. What could be more interesting?

Wednesday, August 24

The Pimping of America

I was told recently that MTV is planning a spin-off to its popular show "Pimp My Ride. " The as yet substantiated show is to be called "Pimp My Sister."

I can report that I was completely horrified when I heard this. I think we have hit a new low. It's one thing to "pimp" a car, but does anyone involved with this show know what it means to "pimp" a woman?

This got me to thinking about how our culture is changing. Looking around me I wonder: Is this the pimping of America? It seems that everywhere you look, our society is being pimped. Cars have gotten bigger and flashier. Department stores are selling 'bling' to middle aged housewives. And, as mentioned in my earlier post on the mating habits of young Washingtonians, being Slutty seems to be the norm now.

Has some unseen power, perhaps the media, quietly been turning us all into prostitutes? Are Americans becoming whores? One only has to look to reality tv to see the way that people are selling themselves for the slightest chance at any bit of fame. Or to examples such as Jessica Cutler who glamorized tricking on capitol hill straight into a deal with HBO to turn her book into a Sarah-Jessica produced show that will make her millions.

When did this begin? Where did it begin? And who's to blame? As I finish this post, I have to note that my spell checker didn't even recognize the words bling, pimped or slutty. Someone should update their dictionary fast before they are kicked off the corner.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

America was pimped a long time ago. We have slowly become prostitutes. I don't know what the answer is, but we all seem to be turning into whores, even when we don't want to. Give me my bling!

5:44 PM EDT


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