Musings and random glimpses into current events and my life. What could be more interesting?

Thursday, July 7

Terror in London

This morning we awoke to see images of carnage in London. According to the BBC Several bombs planted on public transportation were detonated almost simultaneously in an event eerily similiar to the March 11 attacks in Madrid. My thoughts are with those who this tragedy has affected.

I have conflicting feelings about terror and the world's capacity for combatting it. I understand the need not to waver, and not to negotiate, but it seems to me that the pieces need to be put into place to encourage conflict in a non-violent way. Simply killing terrorists, only seems to create more. I think that it's really more about looking at the environments that breed this mentality. In areas such as Africa, we have the ability right now to foster an environment of hope, rather than despair. The more areas that people live outside of poverty with access to education, the less need there is for people to take their grievances to this level.

In short, the key is to make terrorism a less attractive option...kind of like Paris Hilton.


Blogger Melinda said...

I like your reference to Paris Hilton, man is she everywhere!

I know we went over to Iraq, and put our nose into there situation, and I pray everyday that they will be a nation that in the long run appriciates it. BRING OUR TROOPS HOME!

1:09 PM EDT


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