Musings and random glimpses into current events and my life. What could be more interesting?

Wednesday, July 6

Taking back the Streets

It seems that passersby on 15th St. decided enough was enough last night. According to this story from the Post, five men subdued and held an assailant who had stabbed a woman at 15th and Corcoran St. The man was held until police arrived.

Its great to know, for someone who walks often in the evening and lives not far from the scene, that citizens are watching out for each other. One has to wonder where the police are in instances like these. You can be assured, that if the woman had been parking illegally, they would have been on the scene in 30 seconds to issue a ticket.

How is it that New York City is now safer than the Capital City? Perhaps we should take a clue from that city in handling crime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that people are recognizing that they still live in a community. For years, the big cities were bastions of anonymity, where you might never even know the name of your next door neighbor. I think this is proof that people want to be part of a bigger picture, they want the connection with their neighbors, they're taking responsibility. Nice.

11:33 PM EDT


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